Enigma | Trading MasterClass

Become an elite level 8-figure trader and investor

12-month mastermind that gives you a custom roadmap for the year, quarterly live events, tools, community, coaching, accountability, and the support necessary to achieve, scale, and maintain 8-figure trading and investment accounts.

Who it's for

Enigma is for you if you’re 100% committed to mastering the art of trading and investing, and have a strong desire to be in the top 1% of this industry. You should have an existing trading account in the 6-figures (funded accounts are acceptable) or you must have the equivalent amount in liquid cash/investments. You must be an established + serious individual, ready to put in the work and time necessary to achieve greatness.

What it helps you achieve

Enigma will help you achieve the following over a 12-month period:

  • Scale your trading accounts exponentially.
  • Increase your monthly profits.
  • Build out diversified investment portfolios.
  • Upgrade your lifestyle and experience more freedom.
  • Maintain a strong psychology and become unshakeable.
  • Improve your trading plans + create new ones with Irek Piekarski’s direct guidance.
  • Collaborate with elite-level traders who have the same expansive goals for the future.
What members are saying
How it works

Enigma gives you everything you need to achieve this transformation:

  • Custom roadmap: 1:1 onboarding session with Irek Piekarski to map out your plan for the year and get 100% clear on your goals.
  • Live events: Quarterly 3-day live events. Two in person, two virtual. Live events will be recorded so you don’t need to worry about missing them.
  • Coaching: Weekly 2-hour Q&A call on Zoom where you can ask Irek Piekarski questions, and collaborate with other members. 100 hours of coaching in total, over 52 weeks.
  • Accountability: Quarterly 1:1 check-in calls to hold you accountable.
  • Community: Private community where you can hang out with high-performing traders, trading multiple 6-7 figure accounts. Different projects, and even different companies, may be formed from these lifelong connections.
  • Tools: Full access to the TMC One membership, which provides the content required to build, test, maintain, and optimize all trading systems.
How to get started

If you’re 100% committed to trading and investing, with an existing trading account in the 6-figures (or the equivalent amount in liquid cash/investments) and you’re interested in masterminding with elite-level traders —

Schedule a call below to start your application. If you have any questions, please email us at hello@tradingmasterclass.com.